Saturday, January 15, 2011

14th Jan

My Gratitude

I'm grateful for libraries. And books.
I love to read. If I had to buy all the books I read, I would have nothing else. Nowadays the only books I buy are positive, motivational types that I will read over and over. Fiction is actually off the reading list this year, as I can spend way too much time buried in someone elses world, and this year it's all about MY world!

I'm thankful for long phone calls with friends.
The internet is great, don't get me wrong, but there is nothing like really connecting with people, and if I can't see them in person, a phone call is the next best thing! You can convey more in a call and delve deeper into subjects than you ever can with email or text.
Did I mention I really love my friends?

I'm grateful for a beautiful, fine day. It meant I could get out and hang my laundry on the clothesline - one of my favourite things to do, and the only way I have of getting my laundry dry. I do not own a clothes dryer and at this stage don't have any intention of getting one. (I feel quite smug about this.)  Give me sunshine anyday!

I'm grateful for a body that does what I ask it to. I am just enjoying running so much at the moment. It makes me feel great. I can also train to make my body stronger, faster, leaner. Doesn't get much better than that.

I'm grateful for hot showers. Even in the height of summer I like my showers warm. I'm just not a cold shower kind of gal.