Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9

Today, I am grateful for technology - computers and the internet. They have changed our world and made so many amazing things possible. Like working from home, having clients overseas. It's incredible and I am thankful for the opportunities the technology provides for me.

I'm grateful for my weekends - I enjoy my time at home just chilling out. Love the peace and time to do very little. Even though I'm doing some work this weekend, it's on my terms and when I feel like it.

I'm grateful for grocery shopping. I appreciate having a supermarket so close, that I can pop into on a Sunday afternoon and do my shopping - I also appreciate that my grocery bill is so low! I'm a very lucky duck to have an Aldi supermarket so close - the savings are incredible.

I'm grateful for my imagination - as my thoughts create my life, I am so happy to have a mind that can come up with fabulous things for me! My life is great and I am appreciative of it every day.

I'm thankful for my family, my kids, my car, my home, my job. Without all these things life would be very different.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 8

I feel great today! :)

I'm thankful for paying my bills this morning - what a great feeling that is. So grateful to be able to pay them easily and without any worries.

I'm grateful for waking up to soaking rain. I was planning on pretty much hanging out in bed today and working, and the weather has conspired to make it so that's easy to do! How good is that?

I'm grateful for detoxing - that is what I'm doing this weekend and I'm looking forward to the results..hopefully there will be less of me by Monday morning!!

I'm grateful I didn't stay cranky all day yesterday! My gratitude helped and so did some of my workmates - I'm a lucky gal.

I'm just grateful. Grateful for this gorgeous feeling that all is well, that something amazing will soon be happening for me. Just humble and ever so thankful. Life is a gift and each day is precious.x

Friday, October 7, 2011

September 7

Later in the day than I usually post, and I'm having "one of those days." That's why I'm here - I need to get my attitude of gratitude back ASAP. So here goes...

Today I'm grateful for my friends. Some of whom are so gorgeous and delightful I could just wrap them up in a hug right now. Some are a bit more challenging but I think I'd be somewhat lost without them - they are the ones who teach me the most. I love them all to bits...whether they like it or not!

I'm grateful for opportunities to learn every day. I discover something new about myself on a regular basis and that is SUCH a good thing. I'm also learning that I can control myself and my emotions better than I thought I could. Obviously the challenges I'm coming across are to teach me this, and I appreciate that I get the chance to learn and expand.

I'm grateful that even though I can't run at the moment, I can still exercise and get my heart rate pumping! On the bike this morning and I pedalled 18km - good effort!

I'm grateful for my talents and my mind. I'm thankful that I'm slowly working out my passion and purpose. I'm grateful that I can take action towards my goals each day.

I'm so grateful for everything in my day - the challenges which are actually opportunities in disguise, the laughter, the work I do, the life I lead which is expanding and getting better and better. I am full of appreciation and love for all around  me.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 2nd

Three months left in 2011...have you achieved your goals? We still have 12 weeks to get those things done - lets go!

Today I'm feeling grateful that I have better control over my thoughts these days. I don't allow outside influences to make my emotions run rampant. I'm so much more aware of how I feel and am acting more than reacting. It feels so much better to know I can do that!

I'm grateful for the huge improvements in my running times I am seeing. I am really loving the challenge I have set myself and can't wait to achieve my goal in 6 weeks :)

I'm grateful for my family and friends. I hope I am some sort of inspiration to them.

I'm grateful for having a job I love, a comfortable home and a life filled with things to look forward to and be grateful for. I am blessed.

I'm grateful for the internet, and how it has opened up so many opportunities for people (including me!). I wish for everyone to grasp the opportunities that come their way and make successes of them.