Friday, December 31, 2010

...and a Happy New Year

It's New Years Eve 2010. To paraphrase John Lennon "another year over, a new one just begun."

The first thing I am going to do to begin my Year of Change, is to practise Gratitude.
To be thankful for what I have.
Every. Single. Day.

I do try to live in a grateful mindset most of the time, but its all too easy to allow others negativity in to cloud things.
So I am going to write down at least five things each day that I am grateful for.
Every. Single. Day.

Gratitude is the one thing that all successful people agree on. That they all practise. It is the single most important thing to do, if you want to be successful.
Stop chasing. Start being thankful for everything you do have.
And see what happens.

Each post from here on in will start with my gratitude. Some days it may be the only thing I write about.
But I will write it.
Every. Single. Day.

I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Sue you have made a wonderful strong list and by posting this you have made a strong commitment to yourself! I made the fitness goal in the past and it is part of my list again this year and just this one action is absolutely life changing! Congratulations and you have inspired me also re the gratitude posts, I will tweet mine...every day! xx
